Vemdalsskalet - information about your check-in
A warm welcome to Vemdalsskalet!
For those who will be staying at Vemdalsskalet, there are two different check-in points. See below for information on where to find the two different check-in points and where to collect your keys, depending on where in the area you will be staying.
Check-in point 1: Vemdalsskalet central, Skalsterrassen, Hovdedalen, Högåsvillarn, Skalsvallen and Vemdalsporten
If you are going to live at Vemdalsskalet central, Skalsterrassen, Hovdedalen, Högåsvillarna, Skalsvallen and Vemdalsporten, pick up key envelopes in AGO's mailbox at the Service house at Äventyrsstigen.
Here is the mailbox for check-in point 1 at Vemdalsskalet >>
(Here you will find the mailbox with your arrival envelope with your key)

Check-in point 2: Klockarfjället, Passet, Skalshöjden, Solpasset, Skalspasset and Ätervägen
You who will live at Klockarfjället, Skalshöjden, Solpasset and Skalspasset (incl. Återvägen) pick up arrival envelopes with keys in AGO's mailbox at the bottom of Klockarfjällsvägen, at the environmental station and the large Klockarfjälls sign at the entrance to the area.
Here is the mailbox for check-in point 2 on Klockarfjället >>
(Here you will find the mailbox with your arrival envelope with your key)

AGO's mailbox at the entrance to Klockarfjället
Read more about our accommodation areas at Vemdalsskalet >>
For questions or urgent matters, please call us +46(0)684-313 00, when the switchboard is unmanned, you will be connected to our on-call service.
We wish you a really pleasant stay in Vemdalen!